• complete nutrient fertilizer for plant complex nutritional requirement to build its 1st line of defense against diseases caused by fertilizer inadequacy
• incorporated with bio-stimulant for crop maximum potential; also contains bio pesticide to combat multiple pests, pathogens and plant diseases
• synthesized on a concept Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) approach and incorporated with soil activators to improve biological soil fertility
• helps crops to resist optimal thermal stresses
• advance formulation ensures crops best quality, heavier dry weight matter, tastier fruits and longer shelf life
- Quick-booster to crops and plants, boost nutrient density and perfect blend to correct nutrients deficiencies
- Best recommended for green and leafy vegetables but compliments granulated, synthetic fertilizer
- Speeds plants biological activity increasing nutrient uptake from soil, increasing efficacy of applied fertilizer and lowering the need of complimentary fertilizer requirement
- Improves nutrition retention and plant uptake of necessary nutrients preventing fertilizer from leaching and eutrophication
- Immediate plant food solution when nutrients and minerals like Zinc and Copper are not readily available for plant roots uptake from the soil
- OrgaFer Complete is a smart fertilizer approach solution when ground conditions may not be suitable for fertilization during drought and prolong absence of rainfall
- The Macro And Micro Elements of OrgaFer Complete is absorbable and water soluble liquid foliar fertilizer that is absorb by the plant rapidly and efficiently with 90% (ninety percent) plant nutritional uptake absorption efficacy
- OrgaFer Complete is also the best countermeasure to acidic, depleted soil (due to agro-based pollutants) to promote healthy soil structure and other soil parameters like decreased soil pH, soil texture, aeration and eutrophication
OrgaFer COMPLETE is a seaweed optimized COMPLETE NPK foliar fertilizer that is synthesized with optimum level of Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium plus highly soluble necessary Macro and Micro elements that are readily available for optimal growth and development of plants and crops
Synthesized with 5% Potassium Humate component, Biostimulants, Anti-Feedant and Humic and Fulvic Acid, OrgaFer COMPLETE is a COMPLETE and perfect blend for your plant and crops
OrgaFer COMPLETE is synthesized with Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority (FPA) Guaranteed Analysis of 8.6% of *Nitrogen 6.43 % of *Phosphorus ( P2O5) and 7.97 % of *Potassium ( K2O) for immediate feed when root feeding application is hindered or unavailable
OrgaFer COMPLETE is a more vigorous, fast-acting liquid foliar fertilizer than granulated, chemical fertilizer; designed for feeding the leaves with essential elements and micronutrients over foliar feed that are absorb through plants stomata and epidermis
OrgaFer COMPLETE is produced out of guaranteed natural and chemical free raw materials and is safer for use on green and leafy vegetables and fruits
OrgaFer COMPLETE is synthesized out of seaweed and plant based amino acid humic acid formulation with enhance macroelements and microelements completed to perfect blend and equation to carry out crops’ necessary nutritional requirement to rejuvenate plant health when plant root system is hindered
OrgaFer COMPLETE is a soil conditioner full of organic-matter content that works on a wide range of soil, stimulates microbial activity, heals and transforms them to a fertile state to increase soil efficiency for crop and plant maximum yield potential
OrgaFer COMPLETE works on soil higher water-holding capacity and soil compaction making soil more aerated and well-nourished which is the major key to a dense, vigorous, healthy root system that grows robust crops that are more resistant to diseases and pests
OrgaFer COMPLETE is produced through environmentally safe technology with a wide range of nutritional benefits that restores and rejuvenates soil and plants by providing them the COMPLETE plant food nutrition and microbial platform for soil rehabilitation
OrgaFer COMPLETE is essential to protein synthesis and higher plant brix content that improves plant mass resulting in more tillering and branching, stronger and massive longer root system, more lodging resistance, better nodulation, more head pods, longer flowering period, hastens grain and fruit maturity and enhanced seed and fruit set and flavour, aroma and quality, weight and protein content, colour and robustness and plumpness
OrgaFer COMPLETE improves utilization and mobility of Phosphorus that works on fruit and grain uniformity of maturity
OrgaFer COMPLETE speeds plant Nitrogen metabolism, with immediate and proper equated formulation of microelements with nitrogen-fixing properties which is the ultimate solution to sickly yellowish discoloration of healthy leaves or CHLOROSIS
OrgaFer COMPLETE is ideal for seed germination because of the combined efficacy of humic acid and amino plant-based growth hormones during early plant establishment when seedlings are required all the essential nutrients to be readily available to plant resistance to soil-borne diseases for healthy, robust plants and crop production
Directions for use:
Shake well before using. Prepare for one application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer. Apply until soil is saturated or as a foliar feed until leaves are wet, top and bottom. Do not over water. It is best to foliar feed early or late in the day.
For Rice: Use 10 mL OrgaFer Complete to every liter of non-chlorinated water dilution. Use as foliar spray, seven (7) days after transplanting and weekly until panicle initiation.
Vegetables and Flowers and Fruit Trees: Use 40mL OrgaFer Complete per gallon of water. Feed vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs every week.
Tomato & Veg Formula, Rose & Flowering Formula and Lawn Starter: Use 10mL OrgaFer Complete per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
House Plants: Use 5mL OrgaFer Complete per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
Lawn: Use 1 gallon OrgaFer Complete concentrate mixed with sufficient water to cover 8000 sq. ft. Feed monthly during growing season.
Compost Enhancer: Use 30 mL OrgaFer Complete per gallon of water and spray every 2-3 weeks.
Seed Germination: Soak in solution of 15mL OrgaFer Complete per 1l of water.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take internally.