• first foliar crop booster in four- BioPesticide, BioFertilizer, BioStimulant & BioActivator
• diversified synthesis from vegetal extract with Potassium, Iron, Magnesium and Phosphorus with low Copper and Zinc and crop booster
• highly incorporated of a very potent biocontrol agent used extensively for soil-borned diseases and combat pathogenic fungi
• potent microbial strains solubilize Phosphate and MicroNutrients for crops’ food availability
• with BioActivator of beneficial fungi that protect crops against mold and bacteria and surround crops’ roots that release compounds that trigger their natural defense system
• enhances crops’ ability for rapid fertilizer absorption during crops’ vegetative and reproductive stage
• works effectively against diseases while working on soil biological fertility
• advanced roots’ water and nutrient absorption resulting in robust and stronger growth and improve crops’ thermal resistance thus resulting in higher yield, promotes crop quality thru its enhanced sugar and dry matter content, color and taste
Shake well before using. Prepare for one application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer. Apply until soil is saturated or as a foliar feed until leaves are wet, top and bottom. Do not over water. It is best to foliar feed early or late in the day.
For Rice: Use 10 mL OrgaFirst to every liter of non-chlorinated water dilution. Use as foliar spray, seven (7) days after transplanting and weekly until panicle initiation.
Vegetables and Flowers and Fruit Trees: Use 40mL OrgaFirst per gallon of water. Feed vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs every week.
Tomato & Veg Formula, Rose & Flowering Formula and Lawn Starter: Use 10mL OrgaFirst per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
House Plants: Use 5mL OrgaFirst per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
Lawn: Use 1 gallon OrgaFirst concentrate mixed with sufficient water to cover 8000 sq. ft. Feed monthly during growing season.
Compost Enhancer: Use 30 mL OrgaFirst per gallon of water and spray every 2-3 weeks.
Seed Germination: Soak in solution of 15mL OrgaFirst per 1l of water.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take internally.