• complex Biofertilizer in Vermicast embodied with Biopesticide, Biostimulant and Macro- and Micro-Elements of NPK , Calcium, Protein, Zinc, Iron, Copper, Magnesium and Plant Amino Acid to combat crop nutritional inadequacy
• very potent major beneficial microbes Trichoderma, EM and Mycellium+++ make possible the availability of nutrients in soil
• innovative granules adheres in soil that prevents leaching until utilize by crop
• very active soil builder that combats soil acidity, restore vigour to depleted and acidic soil, suppress soil borne diseases and nematodes, encourages growth of soil bacteria and earthworms thus increases soil’s water holding retention and penetration, texture and nutrient availability and contains no harmful acid
• advance root’s water and nutrient absorption resulting in rapid crop growth and development
• improve seed germination, enhance seedling growth and development, promotes vegetative growth, crop mineral nutrient uptake and tolerance of crop to abiotic stress
• amplify growth with heavier fruits, enhanced flavor, color, appearance and fruit quality and produce robust, heavier green and grain
• best line of crop defense