• provides growing crops a constant, non-leachable source of phosphorus and calcium for lush and greener growth in vermicast
• contains water soluble nutrients and is an excellent, nutrient rich, organic fertilizer and soil conditioner
• stimulates crops’ healthy root system for optimal water and nutrient absorption when crop begins its flowering stage
• ideal nutrient solution during crops’ flowering cycle and best needed during flowering initiation stage to support the eventual fruit
• hastens crop maturity
• good on acidic or very alkalinic soil and soil with low organic matter or iron rich soil and in cold and wet conditions
• encourage earthworms and soil bacteria
• immediate remedy for calcium and phosphate dificiences
• for robust and bigger tubers, greens and grains, fruits
• produce crops’ quality yield and longer shelf life
• responsible for fruits’ firmness, bigger fruit size, distinct color and tastier produce