• excellent all-purpose fertilizer for crops; use as root/soil drench or as foliar spray
• rebuild and replenish nutrients in the soil and loaded with trace elements
• pre-inoculated with beneficial microbes that helps crops’uptake nutrients
• improve plant food utilization through root and leaves uptake
• increase crop resistance to adverse condition like drought, extreme cold of too much rain, salinity and diseases
• improve aroma, color, firmness and shelf life of fruits and vegetables
• enhance flavor to fruits and vegetables and grains as SAA100 builds natural sugar in plants
• crops’ best source of amino acid and growth stimulant
• readily available amino acid aids crop in its protein production
• compel more blooms and stronger foliage and give more color in flowers and fruits
• pose no risk to environment, livestock and to human health
OrgaFer SAA100
is processed thru cellular disruption under pressure and fermentation of and the extracts comprise diverse fractions of very diverse molecules for fast plant absorption because of its heterogeneous nature of:
1) 40 Percent of Seaweed Extract
2) 40 Percent Plant Amino Acid
3) 15 Percent of Medicinal, Azadirachtin and Botanical Leaves Extracts
4) 5 Percent of Beneficial Microbes
A by-product from certified Organic Plant Origin from marine plants and from medicinal and botanical rainforest leaves; and is considered as crop’s tonic to
enhance growth with direct effects on plant metabolism or its indirect effect thru soil microbiome or with interactions of pathogens.
The incorporated microbial inoculant is produced through Trichoderma biotechnology. It consists of three different species of Trichoderma grown in
an organic medium carrier. It is an effective biological control agent against soil-born fungal pathogens which also have growth promoting effect and its
use can also reduce the use of chemical fertilizers due to the ability of Trichoderma to solubilize unavailable phosphorus and zinc in the soil.
The extract Plant Amino Acid from plant origin exerts the strongest effect in alleviating the harmful effect of seawater salinity stress and acidic soil with
less water-holding capacity and absorption. This is the fastest and most effective solution in high salt concentration in soil conditions with
1) high osmotic pressure and correspondingly low soil water potential which causes drought stress;
2) combats high concentrations of potentially toxic ions (such as Na+ and Cl-);
3) the best solution for nutrient imbalance as a result of depressed uptake, impaired root distribution and shoot transport of minerals
4) every 1500 mg/L of Plant Amino Acid combats water salinity stress of crops
5) stimulates high photosynthetic reaction due to high organic nitrogen supply that results in a higher biomass production; heavier and bigger fruits and grains and vegetables
6) the Plant Amino contribute to the integrity of cell structure such as proteins, lipids and nucleic acids which gives heavier and tastier crop’s produce
7) The Plant Amino component are precursors and constituents of protein which are the stimulation of cell growth. The PAA content help maintain pH value within the plant cell which is also a well-known bio stimulant which is modulate plants’ growth, yield, and significantly mitigates the injuries of plants due to abiotic stresses
And a complete plant food and treatment of plants with naturally occurring compounds in plant cells and the most immediate and alternative approach to overcome salinity problems that limit plant productivity.
The Medicinal and Botanical Extract is incorporated which are the most effective agent in controlling leaf spot by 82.33 percent and wilt by 41.34 percent which serves as the most potential source of bio-pest control for the management of severe diseases in addition to its very potent effect over growth parameters.
The Seaweed Based is a potent plant growth-enhancing property thru metabolic benefits, triggering disease resistance pathways and increasing stress tolerance and increase crop productivity that improve plant establishment and suppress three plant pathogens:
1) Albugo Candida which causes white blister
2) Plasmodiophora brassicae which causes club rot
3) Sclerotina minor that cause of lettuce drop and other diseases
And combats devastating climatic occurrence such as heatwaves, floods, drought, frost, and cold and water limitations due to extreme climatic volatility *Increase agricultural resistance to stressors and boost productivity for organic approach of unprecedented demand of healthy food system production
Directions for use:
Shake well before using. Prepare for one application only. Do not store diluted fertilizer. Apply until soil is saturated or as a foliar feed until leaves are wet, top and bottom. Do not over water. It is best to foliar feed early or late in the day.
For Rice: Use 10 mL SAA100 to every liter of non-chlorinated water dilution. Use as foliar spray, seven (7) days after transplanting and weekly until panicle initiation.
Vegetables and Flowers and Fruit Trees: Use 40mL SAA100 per gallon of water. Feed vegetables, flowers, trees and shrubs every week.
Tomato & Veg Formula, Rose & Flowering Formula and Lawn Starter: Use 10mL SAA100 per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
House Plants: Use 5mL SAA100 per 1l of water. Feed every 2-3 weeks.
Lawn: Use 1 gallon SAA100 concentrate mixed with sufficient water to cover 8000 sq. ft. Feed monthly during growing season.
Compost Enhancer: Use 30 mL per gallon of water and spray every 2-3 weeks.
Seed Germination: Soak in solution of 15mL per 1l of water.
Caution: Keep out of reach of children. Do not take internally.